This looks familiar. Regardless, it also looks quite amazing. If you don't mind waiting til Morning, I can help with spawns. It's been a while...
Did Infinity Ward not think through that having Shotgun secondaries on Crash would ruin it? It seems like they half assed everything save Bailout....
These maps would be fun to play if that local search update or whatever it was actually works. I have nothing except my Xbox connected to the...
All they really need to do is make it so kills from your rewards don't count toward your killstreak. Thermal's not too big of an issue because...
Oh God if they announce that One Man Army is going to be exactly like the Overkill perk from CoD4 now, I'm going to blow a load all over the...
I'd be down for that as well.
My thoughts: [IMG]
So I went out and got this game again. First match was TDM on Quarry where I went 29-0 with the M16 Silenced and G18 with Red Dot. That being...
That looks really fun to be honest. I'm considering getting MW2 again. Just to play lobbies with rules like this. The only lobby I did was...
Hopefully the character customization in Reach can top Rainbow Six Vegas 2. Im totally excited for this.
It's been out for a good while so you'll probably find it cheap. The only thing I don't like about it is the fact that later on in the game, to...
Yeah. I need to get my **** together. I've also been playing a lot of Rainbow Six Vegas 2 in my spare time. I HIGHLY recommend it. I haven't...
Downloaded a ROM for Emerald the other day. I'm doing a playthrough using nothing but Pikachu and Larvitar/Pupitar/Tyranitar for the whole game...
no D: i probably wont be getting it back for a very long time. Probably not til this Summer. I'm dropping out and getting my GED because I'm way...
WHY DIDNT YOU SAY IT WAS A PRIVATE MATCH GOD BRO ):< Im totally down for sniper lobbies.
DOHOHOHO OMG QUICKSCOPING IS SO KEWL No. Quickscoping is for ****** show offs. A Sniper Rifle is for SNIPING, not for running around up close with.
They don't play Modern Warfare 2 because it doesn't have dedicated server support. They're also strictly PC gamers. ):
You just discovered this? This has been out for such a long time. He's already made a follow up (Jailbait.) I haven't seen this in a long time...
Putting Roar on the Legendary Dogs is such a ****ing troll move in my opinion.