Yeah, my bad. I forgot to change your name for his. FFA works well too I guess. You can also get Sitrep Pro in FFA by making a Booster Hunter class.
Protip: Go into GroundWar, shoot down UAV's. I've never gotten a nuke before. ;___; I've never even tried actually. My playstyle revolves around...
Here's a nice little challenge for you guys. Make a class with the perks Sleight of Hand, Stopping Power, and Steady Aim with any Sniper Rifle...
YouTube- Modern Warfare 2: Super High XP Strategy in HD I highly recommend getting a full party of people and giving this method a try. It really...
Too bad my connection has sucked lately. I played some Hardcore SND with Theorem, Sarge, and Mace last night and sucked so ****ing bad. It was a...
Okay guys. I'm going online right now. I also have all the new maps as well. I'm gonna be using a Stinger as a secondary for all my classes and a...
UAV, Counter-UAV, and Emergency Airdrop for me. I rarely get the Airdrop but when I do, I will always let my teammates get it while I defend them....
After playing the maps quite frequently, here is my opinion on them. Storm: Sucks. The whole level design is awkward and just plain bad....
My brother decided to buy the maps. When I play on my account on his Xbox, it lets me play on the maps too. Thing is, I don't like to play public...
If Infinity Ward made it so Chopper Gunners and AC130's didn't count toward your killstreak then nukes wouldn't be so easy for most people....
Check his channel. He has new stuff up and an update video explaining what happened.
I just checked my KDR for both my accounts. Both of them are exactly 1.40. Kinda blew my mind a little. Anyways, I went from level 45 to 47 last...
The TAR is the strongest AR in the game. I personally run it with Cold Blooded all the time, even if I don't want to use a Silencer. I suck at it...
Anyone wanna get some private matches started in a few hours?
If you don't like it, then don't ****ing buy it. I play MW2 because I'm bored of Halo because at least Modern Warfare 2 has weapon variety and...
Didn't the Halo map packs cost around $15 - $20? Didn't they only give you just THREE maps? Yeah, $5 for each new map plus two old maps for free....
$5 for each new map plus two maps for free? Jesus, people ***** about anything these days.
I cannot believe you guys are arguing over whether a stun grenade or flash grenade is better or not. Seriously, are we in like, fifth grade or...
Bailout CTF is the best thing to ever happen to this game since Skidrow. It's a shame that Shotgun secondaries ruined Crash, and that Thermal...
I've only played each of the new maps once because my neighbour bought them and I was at his house yesterday, but Bailout seems like the only...