Wow the first version was good but this second version are better and i think the gameplay will be better than the first . I will download the...
Looks great at first view but i will download it for give you more comment about the gameplay .
Maybe a gameplay view could give to your map a good side . Because as i can see you just add some vehicule everywere . So put a gameplay pic for...
The area look cool . I really love your colums place . Good desing and i will test it .
Lol Ya its right PlugInFiend .
I fyou lost it just go on your main profile page and go at statistics and go at see all theard started by Unseated Spartan and you gonna see all...
Maybe Blue light and power up , it could be 3 power up and a blue light ?
Maybe Equinox , Uprising or Konkraytion could be cool name .
Your bridge are very nice and the sniper spawn to . Could be cool fir a ffa game . Good ghost merge and desing .
Stop post thoose type of post . Infraction sure .
Thank you for all your comment and i almost finish V2 ! So stay send comment .
Yeah ! An overview could be very helpfull ! And maybe you could put a Weapon List ! The base looks great but to simple add more level and ramp !...
I dont really see what on your pics and i just see the camo spawn and he are great ! Maybe you could remove effect for a nother one or just delete...
Ya multi level are great ! Its seam like epitaph ! If you need help i will be there to help you !
why you dont continue to do this on all the map? Its a great idea to put some box for doing so tree ! If you want help or tester i will be...
Wow cool map ! I think you get bassed on Remedy a creeping death map ! Anyway your map are unique because your weapon choice are great for your...
I think i saw im on youtube !???! I fyou have your video link it could be cool to see it ! Anyway i think this map are more challanging than the...
When a ear mudkip i was thinkin about the other guys who has maded a pokemon and the pokemon was named Mudkipz so when a ear mudkipz farm i said...
Wow pretty cool i love your litle balcon ! If you need help who call ? Recon Speller !
If You search a name for your map a give you Equinox , Konkraytion , Uprising and more !