Maybe remove your purple light to but a Over with a camo for doing purple power up ( Its more MLG ) . Keept doing change for the best gameplay on...
Wow first look are cool . I really love this type of base because its looking like old architechture . Good map i will download it for test it...
Good map . I really like your base style . First view of your map was looking like a MLG map . Rocket and the sniper spawns are very cool . Maybe...
Wiw great race map . I really love your structure with the floathing cube at the center and your red tunnel are great .
Wow your post are great . Because you have put a lot of video of your map to know the gameplay of eatch gametypes . your map are great for the...
i am working on that remake and i almost finish them so ... just to bad . I did it in the crypt .
Wow good start for the base . Maybe if you need help i could help you . For the name search every were : in book , website , song name . GT :...
Great map but for the yellow post you could just put one custom for the reppert not three its to a lot . I really love the base and the purple...
Cool map but i did a map with the same concept . But your version or wonderfull . the midle are great and all your rock structure are great ....
Wow great job for the main tower and the sluppy case . Thats amazing and very aestetics . You did a really good job for make this map but maybe...
Wow you did all this plan . Wow you are a really good conquest forger .
Wow good sturcture , i really love it , cant wait for it .
Hey cool map . For the name i suggest you : Black Hawks , Relic and Cynics . Need help for test i will be here .
On the map sation 097 on each side they have a mine , a detachable turret and a spike nade but we gonna do a BTC Gametype .
Hey welcome to forge hub . First you need have 1 pics for your post and i give you Photobucket for embed your pic . I will download to see and...
Wow this is a perfect remake of this Rainbow Six Vegas map . Could you add pics about the inside of the building . I will download it to see the...
Contest Map Pack Made By : DANJESS99 and IISharpFoxII . Description : This map pack will be compose of 3 or 6 map ( Its not choose ) . Its...
Holy chooper are just funny . Because the chief and the oracle looks like said : WTF ? Hahaha LOL ! 5/5 for this pics . the other pics are cool...
Wow look preety great . The overview looks nice for a sanbox second floor map . If you need help or a name i will help you when you want . PS :...
Wow great map i really love the base and the yellow post . Maybe you could add more stuff for the Purple post for maybe a better gameplay . I will...