Ok lol me to i got school nad hockey and girlfriend and i finally found a moment for my map !
EEE not now but tommorrow at 6:00 AM to 8:00 AM and 12:30 PM to 1:00 PM and 4:00 PM to 6:30 PM and 7:30 PM to 8:00 PM . You know School and...
So do you want ?
Hey men are good in forge ?
Maybe you could help me for my map project i got all my map plan and weapon list and the base are almost finish so if you want my GT are : DANJESS99 .
Need people with a good forge Exp for my map ! Everytime i will be here if you want to forge !
Hey would you help me for my map project ?
Ahhhh ! Ok i am remember and yes maybe some idea took about this map !
Waterworks ? Maybe could you speak to me about this map ?
Lol vien maider sur ma map !!!! Voila une photo du plan de la map ! [IMG]
For the midle its a big collums higher .
Will post pics of the base tommorow when i will finish one !
Looks great . I really love th pics number 1 because the barrer are so amizing and aeshestic and design !
great map i really like your base and the structure of your map . The desing are amazing . Good weapon selection and still forging like a pro !
This is a pics of the map but its not really exacly what i wanna do but its a start . I have think about some name and their is the list :...
Atrophy could be great because everybody have did a Blood gluch remake was a noob forger so i hope it will be good . Rats trap to could be great...
Ya the BETA version get a trip mine and 2 spike on each side of base . Not a really big change .
Map overview looks great but i think you need more cover for a better gameplay . But good job for the overview and still forge good map .
I think V1D30 GUY Did this idea before ? But it was a remake of the campaing map of halo 1 . But good idea , could help you if you need .
Wow nice map . I really like the coldstorage map and now this map are amazing so coldstorge are better . Your lift are great but maybe we can camp...