If that it the limit of the timer, then no...
The problem you are seeing is that anyone dying in the kill house will result in a death influencer at the kill house, which would drive spawning...
I now suspect that someone screwed up the stockpile game type script to where all respawn zones on the map are activated and the person couldn't...
One very real answer... (And I am being honest here, so MODS please don't get upset with this post for giving an honest answer to an honest...
Open by a country mile.
If you need help understanding Respawn Points or Respawn Zones, you can read some detailed articles at Forging Reach. For a complete list of...
Why was Microsoft/Bungie against mods to begin with? Was it because if they let one mod go free then they have to let the other ones also? Or is...
I suspect to understand the level of replication you refer to here, I am going to have to look at his map and then yours also to see why you feel...
I just can't help myself... I have to forge... Seriously, when I forged Mutiny, what became the prototype to Flight Deck, I didn't tell anyone...
Don't take this the wrong way, I am not trying to bash your quote. I would like to make a point that it raises in my mind. The only way you can...
I agree with n3rdness. For what you are asking for, I myself look through all the maps posted here and pick out the ones that look like they have...
So what do you do when your map needs a northerly direction turn east or south at the other end? You are suggesting that the receiving teleporter...
I can understand when you say the orientation of the teleporter will affect the orientation (aim) of your person. But do you mean that if you are...
When I see double listing of files, I just turn my XBOX off at that point and then start it up again. That is just too strange to deal with....
FYI, Infection will not recognize nor spawn either FFA_ONLY nor TEAM_ONLY labeled objects. BTW, your solution is the best one for nearly every...
Spawn sequence is not used in all game types and depending upon the game type can have very specific and unintuitive use. For example, in...
Thanks for the post Flying Shoe, it gives a slightly new perspective on this topic.
Trying to work through your grammar here... So you are saying high ground provides a better challenge of taking the top of the hill by NOT...
Okay, I am catching onto this now.. Good thread... I can readily see the problems with high ground giving one team a spawning advantage if it were...
Indeed, it is another topic for another day... And I can appreciate your point when you say people like controlling the map. In that regard, it...