@Exile - If you cover every Respawn Point on the map with one or more neutral Respawn Zones, then you have not accomplished anything and may as...
You mean "light-as-a-feather vehicles so that they can be turned back over and put back into play right away?" I think that was intentional...
For what it is worth, I totally disagree. The thread was focused on the subject matter, not your map. And I could never look at your map in light...
This is the case where it is not on the typical path that one might intuitively find themselves on in the course of the game, so ya this would be...
I have returned to playing some BTB maps and haven't noticed the presence of the Scorpion yet. I remember how it used to be in Hemorrhage, but is...
huh?............ Exactly...
4. Does anyone else think that most of the community maps that are in MM can be beat by most of the newbie forgers on Forgehub? It seems like a...
As I think about this I have more thoughts. A camping spot for infection should be zoned out as described. But if it lends to a nasty camping spot...
The problem is whenever you save the map, because by definition no matter where you save the map you save it to a storage device of some type,...
Capture the flag is the game type that you describe, though it uses a flag and not a ball. I like Ace's idea a lot.
You assume he doesn't enjoy looking like the community idiot... ;)
Those type of kill zones are very useful to discourage camping. They should be game specific for infection, for example, but generally never for...
It sounds like your fire team assignment is FT2, but there is no guarantee which fire team you are going to be assigned to. Is this problem resolved?
When I am online and you send me an invitation, i will try to join. I can help with aesthetics, objective marker layouts, and spawning, if that...
I remember that movie... Poe proved there was a God...
I like the interior of the two ends, but the roof and walls look too boxy.. interesting problem, wish I had some ideas...
Tutorials on Reach's Spawning Engine
No, you need respawn points, but I was saying that you generally only need to respawn zones. You mentioned you have many. Again, read the...
You should generally only require two Respawn Zones and nothing else. One for blue team and one for red. Each covering half the map. Each team...
If you find a way, please let me know. This would a very good to know and I would add it to my tutorials.