The difference is when you say a weapon is a hill, then it is a hill. When you say it is a flag or bomb, it SPAWNS the flag or bomb. I tried...
In invasion, if you label any object as OBJECTIVE_FLAG, (or is it OBJ_FLAG?), that object will SPAWN a bomb or core, depending upon the type...
Honestly, DELETE DELETE DELETE... ooops, you wanted that six months from now????
Yes, I did look at your map quite well. I would have no way of knowing you did not want players to spawn in the flag room; and my suggestion was...
Right, but you aren't telling the whole story. It takes 50 tabs to open 50 posts. I don't have time for that BS! If the thumbnail ain't good, then...
For general help on making maps, many people here can help.
So I am lame? Did you know that those posts that do not have any thumbnail almost never have any pics at all? So how is it that looking for...
DavidJCobb said it best. When I look at a map, I first decide which maps to look at based upon their thumbnail. Ever since Affinity by...
Stick around long enough and you will get used to it... Then you won't get so upset...
I would agree with your comment regarding kill balls as part of the play ground. What about as a Weenie (see my last post), something that is high...
You can remove all of your Anti Respawn Zones without affect. To make the map more maintainable, I would consolidate the Kill Boundaries. The...
Wrong Only if they are discontiguous does this make sense. Wrong, you have 5. (I am looking at them right now.) If a Safe Boundary is inside a...
I know you have released your map for comment, and it looked interesting. But I want to address the general question this thread raised, and not...
I so disagree.. Edited by merge: I absolutely agree...
That was actually funny... Thanks for the laugh. I am glad I was not losing it here, however..
So when you say realistic infection map, what do you mean? What is considered realistic about a fictional horror flick? I am not trying to poke...
Wasn't there an MLG content forum? I see the competitive, mini game, casual, etc. But I thought there was also an MLG forum. Am I losing my mind???
This is what I observed...
It was in forge that I noticed it (you know how sometimes you just don't notice things, it may have been in game as well). I noticed it on XXL...
Last night (or early morning, depending on how you look at it), as I was forging, adding game support, etc., to my latest map, I discovered that...