I can imagine how some people can get motionsickness from this game. I'm not really experiencing it, but the game can be a bit jarring at times.
After having played 5 games in a row with a bunch of jetpack heroes I can safely say that I will not buy Halo 4 if that retarded piece of **** is...
A big problem with movement in Reach compared to previous installments is that there's inertia. Your momentum carries on which is the reason why...
You can't see them in game. Just create them on halowaypoint.com. Once you've finished them and the timer has run out you get your credits.
Point is that the Sword is dumb.
Looks good, wouldn't be a bad idea to turn up the volume a bit though.
Just read what Nutduster said.
You make the weirdest conclusions. I agree that it can be harder to get kills with the Sword than the Rocket Launcher but that's no reason to...
Not big, but from what I've heard you can also block the teleporters on Battle Canyon with the doll. Seeing as it spawns right next to the...
Please, continue.
I don't see any reason why some power weapons can't be better than others.
Bye then.
Vehicle physics have nothing to do with trying to please both casuals and competitive players.
Wait, who said anything about vehicle physics? Seems kinda random to bring up. :P
Post pictures.
That's why I said that I dislike CQC power weapons anyway. They can be abused too easily. I don't understand why Bungie always felt the need of...
The abuse of the Sword and Shotgun on Swordbase has more to do with the awful map design. Especially at the yellow lift. I've never really been...
How about we get a jetpack that 15% of the time randomly explodes.
Jetpack isn't overpowered at all, it make a 'woosh!' sound. Totally makes it balanced.
@WWWWWWWWWwwwwwilliams You and your assumptions.