There's also a pictures of the old versions of the map on each remade map.
You think I was implying that the color of the blocks impacts the performance? I was just saying that all Forge maps look like crap. That's...
It can also mean "to modify one's opinion, make it less strong." Half your argument was based on Halo 3 and you took those words back. Still think...
Dat backpedal
Armor Abilities made Halo so popular, it's all the way up there at the 8th spot on the XBL chart!
Halo 2 movement and I'm set.
Well the problem with The Pit was always that it was too segmented. The two halves of the map were divided by a giant wall in the middle with a...
I think with Sprint you can (at least in objective games) get back into the fight too fast on small-medium sized maps. It negates the penalty for...
I want to have sex with this map. I always thought of it as a better version of The Pit. :)
If we get the jetpack back again I hope it's more like a jumppack this time around. Giving you a small boost when you jump.
This is a pretty old easter egg to be honest.
Stop making so much sense in your posts.
Pegasi, may I make manly love to you?
We were playing 1-flag on Damnation and all but one player on the other team quit out and we got bored. We decided to screw around with the doll...
Point is that the match shouldn't be influenced by decision made before the game even starts. Only by actions made during the actual match...
That's like saying that if 2 players have everything unlocked in a CoD game and they play a game together they start on an even playingfield. It's...
So while playing with some GAFfers/HBOers earlier today we found out that the GRD can actually move around the flag, even if it's still sitting on...
Oh that's why you added download links to all the maps.