Just played Sniper on Countdown and really liked it. Same goes for Zealot. Spawnkilling wasn't an issue at all on Countdown.
Prisoner is actually only good for 2v2. Outside of that it's an awful map so I look forward to playing it in team doubles.
Select is by far the best Forge map in matchmaking (aside from MLG).
Dat AFK no-scope.
Spawnkilling? On Countdown? I can't imagine. That doesn't even happen in SWAT on that map.
From what I've read they've only moved the grav-lifts in the bases. That doesn't change the fact that the bases them selves are just badly designed.
Abridged needs less awkward bases.
I played Slayer (DMR) on Tempest. Decided to call it a day. That map is so terrible if it's not objective.
Countdown team snipers is fine. Snipers is more fun on smaller maps anyway. I don't want to play virtual hide-and-seek.
Play Ball. - YouTube Gameplay! From over a year ago
Yep, and Squad DLC sucks because it has shitty 100% bloom and is Slayer only. The only reason why Premium Battle was good because it had good...
Only thing they have to do is remove the jetpack and active camo and Squad Slayer would be really good.
Boost ego you say? A Perfect Game - YouTube Video shows the point of view of a teammate of mine
You say some maps don't support 5v5, you hate 90% of the maps in Squad Slayer and you want more Forge maps in it. Dude, go play Team Slayer.
I'll make a giant disco.
Squad Slayer was made because some people were asking for a a playlist akin to Team Slayer but without (most of) the forge maps. Also, I'm pretty...
I'd rather they just switch out the shitty Forge maps in Team Slayer with good ones instead of putting them in Squad Slayer.
The point of Squad Slayer is that it doesn't have any community maps.The only Forge maps it has are Asylum and Uncaged (ugh) and I'd like it to...
I do not see what you did "thar".
You should probably look up the meaning of the word 'efficient'.