^Bungie has had the same engine since halo 1, but they heavily modify it for new games.
Everything is so great except for the text. It looks cheap and cliche. Not sure what font you should use but I think you should change it.
Yeah people could play it wednesday just none of the pros did. I really want to see some gameplay from that map though. Looks like my favorite of...
I wouldn't be surprised if they slowed down the carbine a little. Right now it looks insanely fast.
Hey we should be getting a halo 4 video of an entire match from here in less than five minutes. At least that is what everyone is saying.
They'll probably reveal at pax or comic con.
No you just slow down.
Aren't prometheans forerunners?
[IMG] I think the blue ones could be on chief's side..
Yes that is so good. Hopefully it will alleviate the spamming problem that was in Reach.
Walshy Halo 4 E3 Day 2 Update - More Multiplayer Details! Weapons, Loadouts, Abilities, & More! - YouTube [IMG] [IMG]
Well I might be wrong then.. I don't feel like trying to find that footage so I guess time will tell.
It wasnt. Pretty sure that I saw footage of it going different directions.
Looks like the the GL is cut.
Fair enough
Dude it's not like we are bantering back and forth; we were done, so your comment wasn't really needed.
I'm hoping they differentiate the pictures of the AA's a little more so we can actually tell them apart. I know bungie did this with Reach so I'm...