I'd love to help test this. I'm not much of an infection guy but the theme is awesome.
Thanks for the feedback. What do you mean by the grenade launcher needs to be placed better? I'll will also look into the spawns and the railing....
They didn't really cause any problems that I noticed.
Boardwalk and Powerhouse both are pretty good for 1-Flag.
The back room with the floor made out of landing pads and it has the teleporters.
Quadrant Quadrant has some very clean and impressive aesthetics. You definitely chose pieces that worked well with each other and that really...
Caspian Caspian is my attempt at a 1v1 map for the Smackdown contest. I tried to tailor the game mode to the map as best as I could. I have...
u making a map for the contest?
On at ten
Yeah I have tested around four maps that have a tiered atrium, and they're getting kinda old. The aesthetics look great though.
Anything posted after this will be in the feedback after the next. Again, expect feedback tomorrow night.
^Ouch. I like Whose Line.
Just thought I'd let everyone know that the next feedback post won't be posted until Wednesday night. Sorry for the delay.
[IMG] Island off in the distance playable?
If the other two maps have different textures and framerate is harder to come by, than I'll be more than happy. And I'm thinking we only saw a...
You don't get exclusive maps for buying the limited edition. They just are free for you and cost money for others.
Unfortunately the only way that I know of is to buy a cap card.
I really want a forge vidoc.