I'm sorry but this map won't work man. I've tested so many of these and they all have the same problem with what waterfall said. I think you need...
Not saying that you should stay there, but even on Zealot you have to go onto the bottom floor sometimes, whether it is the evade danger or flank....
That is really up to you to be honest. I couldnt pinpoint an area, sorry. As for the videos, I'm not too sure that I still have them. I tested...
Landing Bay Landing Bay boasts some unique aesthetics. The Pelican for instance, is a nice touch even if it looks somewhat crudely made. It...
Play campaign a little bit, then I'll go into forge. Maybe matchmaking later.
Beastball remake if you care
Just noticed the oddball throwing in that assassination video. Looks fun.
I'm gonna go ahead and split your submissions into two feedbacks; three in the one after the next and the other two in the feedback after that....
Submissions after this post will be in the feedback after the next. Expect the next feedback Monday or Tuesday.
007 nightfire on gamecube.
It is kind of ridiculous you expect people to stick with those spawn times. Not all maps work within those timers.
So sorry I missed your map post in the feedback thread. I'll make sure to test it and give you some help. Sorry again.
Grats dude.
Thank you for the comment!
Updated Caspian if you care to take a look.
OP updated with latest download link as well as the newest pics. I'd love some more feedback from anyone regarding anything. Thanks.
Yes please post all the feedback you want. That was the original plan anyways.
http://www.forgehub.com/forum/reach-forge-discussion/139772-caspian-smackdown.html#post1526540 Thanks
Thank you so much for the feedback. Couple of comments: -Why does the GL need to go? Too powerful? If the other side has sniper, how would...