The map looks loads better
Bulletin. Pretty much just talks about the H4 console.
Today is the last day for submissions! I will be finishing up everything soon, so expect the rest of the feedbacks tomorrow night.
Next time just report and move on dude. No need to comment.
Zen Aside from the lift area, Zen is essentially composed of two objects: the large brace and banks. Because of this, the map felt unified and...
Read the comments before you post dude. Anyways, you'll be getting some feedback on this fairly soon. Unfortunately I see numerous problems...
Well I'm not too knowledgeable when it comes to computers, I just thought this looked fun.
I'm gonna go ahead and post what I have done so far... Expect the others soon. Vapor Lock I wasn't terribly impressed with the aesthetics on...
You think this mod could run on my Mac mini?
Nope. I put all of my complaints in the feedbacks that I give. So if you addressed the stuff I mentioned, I don't believe there is any other problems.
Yeah it is, I should have everything done on the 25th. And a reminder to everyone else, I will not be accepting any maps past the 25th.
Redrum's thumbnail doesnt work
Django Unchained - Official Trailer (HD) - YouTube Does this not look awesome?
Actually, I'm pretty sure they are 2x2 flats. They look really cool nonetheless. Anyways, I've never played this, but I downloaded this a long...
Damn. Good luck to everyone else.
Definitely deserving. Out of all the 1v1s I have tested, this one stood out from the crowd. Great job on this.
Everything looks nice, but the main problem I see from the pictures is all of the wraparound pillars. Because of the enhanced radar, players can...
So was TDKR as good as The Dark Knight?
Bulletin. It has some QnA about forge and some other stuff.
Anniversary would be a much better choice. I rarely play on defiant or noble, and there is even a dedicated playlist for anniversary maps. Hang em...