Welcome aboard!
Toggle is convenient for bitches who spend the entirety of any given game crouching in a corner. Hold to crouch FTW.
Your lack of logic and proper grammar makes me want to kill myself. Don't worry about him, Longshot. He's got absolutely no room to call any map...
Played a quick 1v1 against Ticky and we discussed the issues we had with the map. Issues: -Aesthetics/FX -Tele-lift -Dead end one way tunnel...
First I get an extra 3 months to my Elite subscription because they goofed and now I know I get DLC first AND for free. Awesome.
Saying it's not possible without giving it a try seems kinda dumb. Sure, a similar idea has been done in the past with horrible results, but every...
Keep your problems with Hulter to PM's before you infracted for something stupid.
Happy Birthday!
That's definitely not Tempest.
I dont know what the **** that is.
What do you have in mind?
Dragonzball P - YouTube ****in' great.
Seems pretty small. A nice 1v1, perhaps? Regardless of player count, you're going to need to some more height variation. You'll definitely want to...
This map can be broken within the first two seconds of the game. This was easy by the fact that the map appears to have absolutely no kill zones...
Maybe it was just me, but being called 'nibbles' was just ****in' weird. It just got to me dahwg.
I still disagree on both counts. Regardless, people are treating it as if I'm MJ and I just went black, again(and rose from the dead).
Yeah, but your new one has a sneaky factor to it. How many people do you think have realized that the two words combined sound like reflection?
Mistakes! o/ (secretly, I don't give two shits what anyone says about it. But for some reason, they seem to think I'm going to change it...
I thought about it, but my OCD wouldn't let me.