Not only is that common sense, but from a person watching the videos perspective, it's incredibly annoying. You shouldn't be needing to switch...
Gauss hogs can shoot through double-wide coliseum walls. That's how we have it set up on Battleships. But I guess it just depends on the angle.
dos.. :l
But then people will remember.
The dialogue that went along with it was pretty loltastic.
I guess I didn't make it very clear. Lacuna I was made around half a year ago and had some geometry problems. Lacuna II is a re-imagining...
He's still too new to get his IP. But once I can confirm it, he'll be gone.
Ah ****, I didn't realize they were that small. I'll try to fix them when I get the DL link up.
Lacuna I [IMG] [IMG] Lacuna II [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] I'll have a DL link up soon so you guys can take a closer look.
Can't wait to see it.
You can't nominate H3 maps.
I would've recommended x11's, but since they're discontinued the x12's should be fine.
You can already forge above FW's barrier, to an extent, and out in the water past West barrier. But if you get far enough out there will be 10...
Using gametype objectives (flag stands, capture plates) won't affect your kill barriers. WE really need more information on what you've put down,...
Looks pretty cool. I'm hoping a couple of these new maps will be a decent size. We definitely have enough small maps...
25771783 How to make someone rage: 1. Deny them access to their destination 2. Predict the future. 3. Laugh at result.
That's awesome.
I know I'm just pestering you at this point, but I'm nibs once again. New name: NlBBS (lowercase l for i). Hopefully I'll listen to my friends...
Admins are yellow.