Thanks for all the replies - about building up walls and everything - I tried very hard to match limited human firepower with many zombie points...
Thanks for the feedback!
Which bridges? Near the boundary, the bridge connecting the bunkers, or in the back hill? I will be adding Action Shots and more soon.
Lol, it's a good sign when someone wants the first post.
Survival is all that matters. Download Line of Defense Download Survival Infection Variant (Not required, but helpful) This intense infection...
I can tell what you tried to do: you worded it just right so you'd have that excuse to fall back on, while making it sound like you made them....
You really can't see the map at all in the pictures...
10 on creativity - certainly new, and you did just about all you could in Epitaph, but looking from a customer point of view, there's really no...
Kentucky Tango seemed to inspire a lot of ideas from what I've read...
I've made trenchlike maps before (Honestly before I saw this, not trying to copy, mine is very different) and I used dumpsters to hold a...
... A no probably would've been fine... =P lol yeah that map is REALLY bad, don't bother.
Hi, my name's H3C x Nevz. Not part of a clan, Nevz is a nickname, H3C is Halo 3 Custom Games. I love playing any sort of Custom Games, and I've...
I've seen MANY of those before. Don't take someone else's work. Ever.
I don't see anyone who was against your post...
The pictures don't show up. Don't try to take them directly from Bungie, double click on the picture, save it, then upload it at either...
Awesome, thanks so much, I'll post credit to you for the action shots. The thread has been set for V2.
**The link is currently down because I am finishing V2.** Thread updates will follow.
Hey dude, maybe to add to this map, how about a floating catwalk bridge like the ones on the sides of Onslaught?
It looks pretty good, but if you have any bridges leftover, I'd replace the floating stairs; floating stairs just don't look very good.
The interlocking looks awesome. This looks like a lot of fun, with just about any party size.