Whoops, my bad, yup different person.
This looks very similar to ezekeil's map, and it shares the same name. I'm alerting him of this; not sure if it's exactly the same map, but it...
Not sparking a fight here, as a matter of fact I agree, but in my thread "the Door Property" I believe you didn't want it because it would make...
Hey ezekeil. I agree pretty much entirely, but your grammar is a little off. 4/5. :P Lol jk, I agree with everything, except I do think maps can...
Let's say the base is one single box high. Wherever you want the bridge to start, place a sideways single box, and a fence wall or bridge on top....
Interlocking and geomerging, or pioneering new ideas, which comes first? I certainly agree with the people who say interlocking is important in a...
Any time. Whoah, thanks for notifying me to look on my visitor messages, turns out I have a comment back from when Blaze was a noob and didn't...
Lol I know, but i've seen you helping everyone with spawns and I owed you one anyways. ^_^
Spark nade. Looks like a small flare. Throw, and if it hits the target, it sticks on and kills, along with having a quick flash that disorients...
But, is skill what is important about forging? I play custom games every other day, on fun maps, even if their interlocking isn't perfect or items...
I knew there would be this arguement. If you only make maps for them to "look good," then take up art or architecture. The reason behind forge is...
My bad, I meant the maulers.
First off, excellent first post. Great weapons guide on the pictures, and very smooth interlocking. For future reference, a couple things that...
For those who are looking to improve the quality of their maps, take a good look at this post. One way to make a great map is to have unique...
This is a very well-made map. I like your idea of using only Covenant weapons to keep with originality. I question just how open this map is, but...
I'm pretty sure what he means is cutting out one part of Campaign, and adding it to forge. For instance, taking the indoor building chain on The...
Although Bungie did not intend on making interlocking possible, now that it is, Bungie has embraced it. That's why they're allowing it in...
Two of mine have to be DtL and TDHarding. They're one of the most precise forgers, but few make maps that are more fun to play. Sadly, many great,...
Ah, the GoO mash-up. Congrats on another feature, Nev. I though Bisquit helped on this one too; I guess there's a limit to just how powerful a 0...
Spawns, except team starting points, should all be set to neutral. Spawn areas, for team games like ctf, should then be added.