You don't necessary need to have your own pictures your thread, just so long as you comment on it not being yours. He's not really doing anything...
LOL SPAM GETS EVERYWHERE! Haha joking...but not really.
Lol you say hi too much =] It's spamming my visitor messages - INFRACTION! Haha joking!
Those videos are pretty nice XD I've seen videos like this but to see so many combinations of jumps and to as where they can all be done is...
Epitaph duh! Look at the weird matrix things on the wall. I tried to take a pic like this before but it really didn't turn out good. I like the...
Hi u k?
Can we make the pics a little bigger guys, just like Grif said. It strains my eyes =( You make the,m bigger by editing the size duh! XD
Too be honest, I know you said it's supposed to be about spawn killing but won't the person with the first power weapon win easily? Spawn killing...
By the way how much did your rep go up?
What the hell, i'm in a good mood :D
I remember Yellow posting this V3 only a few days ago. This was a quick feature... I'm glad he considered other peoples ideas when releasing newer...
You might actually be on to something there. I never did get the 'It's a barran wasteland, or is it?' update comment. It had nothing to do with...
Quite a cool sig you got there. I would prefrably choose a white background wit or without a border as it looks cleaner. Then again, that's my...
Did the people who made the maps - rep you, or was it just other people? And can you post a link to some of your reviews because I might consider...
No probs mate, you might as wll tell the truth...lolz There's no need for me to comment on it now, in a nutshell you've said nearly the same as I...
I think you spelt Anne Boelyn right. I don't do History anymore because I dropped it this year (year/grade 10)
It probably wasn't just the gold rush but it was definately something to do with people starting a new life. They had to travel all across America...
That's a nice mini guide you got there, I might use it one day so have some rep for providing it!
Not to much to be honest, for some reason we only learn english history(and a tiny bit of roman in year/grade 7). With the exception of the gold...
Wow, I finally found this thread. I still have this map on my HD since from when I first downloaded it from someones file share. I love playing...