First thing first...OMG another Hazza! Anyway... The thing I love about this map are the bases. They are so unlike many, symmetrical ones I have...
Shouldn't this be in the video's section? Even if it is based on Arts & Graphics. That is if your video showed up... You might want to fix that
On Emerlad I have a mainly Ledgendary based party but that's boring - so here's one I use for the Battle Fronteir to mix up and sometimes the...
Hey :D Glad to see someone joined because of the awesome maps! Err... Have a great time forging in-game and chatting on the forums and you'll make...
lolz, rep *****... (in case you wondered - that means no to free rep)
You have contradicted yourself my friend. If you want Halo in the Halo discussion, then where should this thread be? You have a point though, if...
By the way, in 'look out for titmar' he means: BAD INFLUENCE lolz - not really Cool, I just started Year 10 (and GCSE's) too. But I'm in the...
Why did you give me + rep entitling 'he is nice'??? I'm not complaining, just confused.
This looks absolutely amazing. Very unconvential to the usual maps that are featured on FH. The gameplay looks so exciting and different and the...
Got to go c ya
Yeah soz i did. It's actually pretty good. I will write a review sort of thing soon but not today as: It's just since i got home from school i...
Cool, so thats how you knew Linubidix then. I had no idea! I've got to admit, that is an epic surname... I already kthat you're a more...
I think the first picture is funny but the second pictures description is funnier. Good use of imagination there, I never would have thought of a...
I made smaller - can you tell me what you think of it. Oh and by the way Zeus, I can't remove the flare because I don't really know how to lol...
I second Bebo37 and Jimbodawg. This map is absolutely amazing. I'm not going to do a big review like them as they have pretty much covered all of...
That's really cool Diz and alby. It's quite simple but the little patterns add a bit of variety and colour to it. The curls are quite good because...
OMG 666 Posts!! You are the devil... Sorry for the randomness - it had to be said :D
[IMG] This is a new one I whipped up this night. I've only had Photoshop for less than a week so I don't mind too much if it isn't that good.
Maybe we should go in the shoutbox?
Lol someone neg repped me for that so I took it off - no warning for me :D That was in the earlier days though...