Quantum Hello everyone, this is a quick map that I threw together awhile ago and I've been simply too lazy to post it on Forgehub until now....
Hey guys, I found this video online and thought I should share it out because it touches heavily upon level design, in my opinion. Penny Arcade...
Dead River Description: Dead River, is small semi-symmetrical map with a wide layout meant for 2v2 or 3v3 games. Don't quote me on this, but...
Dead River Hey guys, this is a map I've been working on for awhile and thought I'd share with you guys for some feedback. Weapon Specs: DMRx2...
Hey guys, I just wanted to share this contest that I think you guys would be interested in. The prizes are Halo 4 stuff, so that's a cool thing....
Hey guys, My brother and I have been in the market for some co-op games that could last several hours, like Left 4 Dead. Despite my vast knowledge...
Hello everyone, many thanks to you for taking the time out of your busy day to check out my map Phileo. This forum post has been long overdue,...
Hello fellow forgehub members, how are you doing today. I have a new map that I have built within a few days and want to show you guys. I...
Hello fellow Forgehub members, how are you doing today? Me, I'm just fine. So I have this map idea awhile ago, that I don't feel like pursuing...
Latinashia.v3.4 [IMG] Description: The map you once loved, but not as you remembered. Changes: 1. Added a little sniper hut in both bases....
Hello everyone, my name is Dizzyman572. After so long, I am finally ready to show a preview of the my maps. Today, I bring to not one, but...
I know that this was a long time coming, but here’s the trailer for the maps soon to released to the Forgehub community. Enjoy. YouTube -...
So I'm building this MLG map, but I need to know how to set up the gametypes correctly for an authentic MLG experience. Like how many skulls...
I am rather curious what everybody's opinion was with Resistance 3 and Insomniac's big decisions for the game. Like reducing the number of online...
Terminous is a Symmtrical-map suited for 2v2 games. But is very capable of holding decent sized FFA games. The was started out of complete...
Hello forgehub, I've made this new gametype called: Enforcer. Yes, I have posted this before and got some really cool feedback that helped me a...
Hey guys, I've been watching this new youtube channel called: Halo Reach Tutor. In my opinion, this guy is very knowledageable upon all of the...
Hello, fellow forgers. I am creating this new territories variant called: Enforcer. Pretty simple concept, players select a class with set AAs and...
What do you think you guys are going to do after you're done making maps for Halo Reach? Would you retire? Would you start doing something else?...
Welcome to the map preview of my competitive map. Hamalia I have been working day and night on this map, running through several test over and...