Puzzle map Dead Body on The Floor Map Forged by GAME SMOKER 89(Dontknowme42) And xDeaTHxsT4LkeRx(Dude###) Puzzle map mostly forged by me GAME...
PUZZLE on My Birthday This map probably took me two days to make and 3 days to edit but i really love this map so dont flame it i really had fun...
first of all i need to know how i wanted to start a puzzle map testing group team people... NVM i figured it out how to add group but if you...
[IMG] Bungie.net : Halo 3 File Details
Download:Thy Creator... .DOWNLOADV2 [IMG] Description So basically i started with the map i made above then i edited my old map of it just...
Sanctification Download Description- Team map 3v3+ Contains a camo and overshield Rocket1 snipers 2 brs spikers smg plasmas frags in the sky...
Of all the sandbox objects so i can sees them im to poor to go out and get the maps im very impatient... anywayz when does this happen of the...
Carbon Casino Description... map made for Template Contest V6 map is symmetrical Map has symmetry controls map uses all template pieces...
SINK on MY BATTLESHIP so basically my map i posted a couple days ago i got the suggestion of making a battleship game so i did :P GAME MUST BE...
NADES on MY FACE [IMG] Just a quick version of this game i made gonna make it better when i get around to it this is a v1 25% zombies dude...
My newest puzzle gametype.........map..... Fork on spoon pretty easy IMO Pictures [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] report breaks...
i need help placing spawn points prolly the only thing i need help with my map is finished just need good spawns :_) any send me a pm or...
Xbox.com | Celebrate the Holiday Season with Xbox! link is to xbox .com holiday deals
I dont really own an xbox of my own so i need people to test out my map that i just finished i dont have an exact time when i get on or i would...
what are the basic stuff used for mlg maps :P? Weapons Powerups Equipment
make a map of anything like mke a playable map where everthing is either geomerged or interlocked must be playable and JUdges ......
YouTube - kidrauhl's Channel kid sings a bunch of songs has some originals :P good songs
GYgNoK- Download All GameTypes Welcome Random name :P there is some interlocking done Weapons 6 Brs 12 magnums 2 maulers 4 spikers 2 carbines...
Animator vs. Animation by *alanbecker on deviantART [spoiler]