I assume this is in the right place. A little while back I was rooting through my basement for some movies to watch. One of which I found and...
This is a thread about games you played that you thought would never end. It can be a single match or an entire Campaign. I'll start. When I was...
Here is a small story on how I unlocked Tank Dropper Legitly. My brother brought a friend over and they were forging on Sandbox, just for fun, not...
Anyone who is a fan of Tree Skunk Productions, famous for Outpost Isil, will have probably already seen this. The video is not called this, I just...
Me, I'm a Zombie Lover. I see something with Zombies, I play it and I enjoy it. Awhile back I was reading a magazine with a special on Zombie...
Angry Surprised Face When I first got Halo 3 I was mad because you couldn't start with the Plasma Rifle which made me angry because it was my...
Lost Planet 2 has just been announced. There is a trailer on the Spotlight section of your Xbox 360's Dashboard, check it out. YouTube - Lost...
My friends have been sending me messages telling me to go to a website and I'll get microsoft points for signing up. Since it is my good friend I...
I was looking at my friends list one day and saw that all of my friends playing Fallout 3 were good. I wanted to know what you play as, Good or...
[IMG] The Spoony One is a reviewer I am quite fond of and I thought I would make a post about him. In his own words, "The Spoony Experiment...
New Bungie Post reveals a complete item list including a transport Hornet. Link In addition, IGN Interview reveals an floating grid area outside...
Here is a post by some guy at IGN. :) F.E.A.R. Demo Coming Soon Anticipated demo landing on PSN and Xbox Live. by Jeff Haynes...
The Prototype website has posted a countdown for something not Something. Link For those of you who don't know what it is, it is an open world...
They're Sub-Epic because they're good but there is better ones I'm sure. This one was kind of staged because I was screwing around and I shot...
New Bungie Update shows new ODST Pics. Link Sorry if someone posted this already.
The new Sonny Game is out if any of have played it. Link If not it is an RPG where you play as a zombie. There are multiple classes and lots of...
Voila! http://www.bungie.net/images/News/WeeklyUpdate/121908/H3_MP_Orbital_Tether.jpg Sorry i can't embed right now. Found this on...
I was playing Slayer on Construct one day and I chucked a grenade which exploding but it's smoke was Purple instead of Brown. This has happened to...
I was browsing around on Newgrounds a little while ago and I found a video called The Legend of David: The Ocarina of Doom It is obviously a...
In the most recent Bungie update it stated that you could have Recon if you bought Halo:3 Recon and completed all the Vidmaster Challenges. Link