Okay from some videos I saw, I noticed an item that looked like a rack that let you hang weapons on the wall, but I can't find it and I think I'm...
Okay so I figure people can answer this for me since I know some of y'all have the game. Will the armor codes effect everyone on the xbox like the...
Fallout is a map that was made pre ghostmerge, in fact the first version was made pre merge or at least before I new how to merge. When I made...
I accidentally copied over my sandbox canvas and I was wondering if someone could give me the link to it, it was the one with all the towers...
I started thinking about what map I like forging on the most. I thought of the most popular maps I see and they all have huge differences. The...
I started this map about a week ago but haven't spent that much time on it, I'll probably post it in about two weeks if I have enough time to work...
Correct me if I'm wrong but the timeline of Halo 3 and the cutscene at the end of the credits in ODST don't match up. The end of ODST is when...
I was reading a certain thread that will remain unnamed, I found out their are people out there that will not download a map because of the name,...
I was forging today and i was trying to ghost merge, but none of the items would duplicate. I then tried the test to see if I was host but i...
First off i don't know if this is in the right spot, if it is not can a mod or admin move it please. I know most of y'all have probably noticed...
This question has been answered can a mod please :lock: this thread
I am getting the could not create to many on map message on foundry. I still need to do weapons, equipment, and some spawns. Is there anything I...
Could someone please tell me if you switch the gametype in forge to say ctf, would the items you put only show up in ctf. I need to know because...
I was wondering if anyone can tell me the best way to geomerge a wall into the window panel area in foundry to make a small bunker? If someone...
Do you prefer aesthetics that will make noise such as killballs and man canons or just plain old boxes and other items?
Could someone please tell me what item you stack together to float a wall at the hight of a box? I was thinking it was 2 dumpsters but i can't...
[IMG] Some of you may remember my first fallout, if you do you would know that it needed much improvement. The map is a semisymetrical map using...
I came up with what I think would be a really awesome racetrack gametype, but I am horrible at making race track maps so I was wondering if anyone...
I was posting a map and when i got to the pictures i went to haloscreenshots and the pics I was going to use showed up as question mark boxes...
Claybourn is my newest map and it is a map that is mainly maid for objective type games but slayer also works for ffa and slayer. I recommend one...