Like he siad, spam. This is a place for introducing yourself to us, not saying: "ZOMG! JOIN OUR 1337z SitTEz!1!w1!!!!!!!!!!!!!one!!11!!!!!!!!!!",...
Lol.... I love the "Ladies, that's not true" thing... or is that in vdieo 2? I'll try and post that here... Here we go: 2...
Re: Whack A Mole (The Classic Reborn to The Haloverse) Hmmm.... I've made this before, but mine was very glitchy. This looks okay, but I thik the...
Sounds interesting, but I have two things: 1. I highly doubt you will give out 1600 MS Points, to anyone... 2. You need pictures. Of course, that...
Lol... I guess that's a little too mean. I don't want to crash anything, just be annoying, like inverting the colors on the scrren, changing left...
Yup, He is, but this isn't a very good video... here's some of his other stuff: Person, Part 1 through 5 (Two is a few posts down): 1...
Yes... he did, but he is referring to a non-elephant vehicle...
Did you just push/ pull these out? You can set it to be extruded already... but you probabally knew that...
OKay... but what is a looping batch??? What exactly does it do?
Where can I getr mes that? It sounds so mean and fantastic. Lol...
Just use Forge Gallery by Billy Relaoded... that would serve the smae purpose....
I don't get that last part, but I have done the first one before. Classic. Here's more: Cracked Screen: Steps to do this prank as shown in the...
I found a few more... Making it High Contrast: On a Mac its CMD+OPT+Ctrl+8 On XP its Left Shift+Left Alt+Prt Screen "Making everything go...
I haven't seen this map.... sorry if it the same. Wait... I may have seen it. But mine would have a gravlift that closes off the door...
Does anyone have any good pranks to put on your friends computer (not a virus!!!) Here's what I have: [list]Change the Language on Google Invert...
As I said, I don't have an XBOX for now..
Yeah.. I just realized that. Sorry... lol. Silly me.
YEs... but you can't veiw the videos on your computer, unless you use Gevee Grab. But that is low quality and takes 3-4 days...
Lol.... if I had room: *sigged* But, "NO SIG FOR YOU!"[/soup-**** voice]