I assume that came across wrong, but well said. I meant that... well, I guess that was what I meant. LOL... no refrences to me as a **** please...
Well, placing grav lifts suspended in the air w/ receivers would work as "lightning"... The vehicles passes trough both... I wish you could use...
I like this a lot! I have a few ideas for this gametype (I had them before I saw this, but I will give you/ Kapura credit if I get around to...
Re: Post your desktop! Lol opo... it is worse. Hahahaa.... I prefer to make my own desktops... I could make some if you guys wanted (it would...
You should seriously just make it like Wakko's.... his is perfect IMO. And I agree that the graffiti looks like the power-puff girls.... lol.
The second one... I am so ridiculously busy right now... I haven't done anything but schoolwork for the last week.... I'll attempt it if I have...
Well guys... thanks for the ideas... I'll see what works. And to everyone: Nooses are a very good symbol. You may not think about it, but the...
I don't beleive it is risky, but good idea for the Highground one... stop argruing about wheter you'll get banned. You didn't mod it = your innocence.
This sounds really cool, but I am a little confused... what happened?
Okay... but it isn't practical (100 maps???) and they would get no money... Also, Ever heard of punctuation?!?!?!?! [/grammar ****]
Re: Post your desktop! It burns opo! Turn it off! lol... a bit too colorful for me...
I was think about that... "arbiet macht frie" I don't really have too much room. But I have the nooses because that is a symbol in NIGHT... the...
1. It's APC, not atc... 2. http://www.forgehub.com/home/index.php?topic=5285.0 Holy crap... you have posted this topic 3 times, and it has been...
Re: Holocaust Moon Lol... yeah. I'm making the back and updating the front as we speak (or type... lol)
Cool? And Shock Theta has to embedd it for you, or another staff member/ admin (not mod)
HEllo! Welcome to ForgeHub... glad to have you here...
Yeah... the site will be updated soon and you can use the models (Foundry 3D, I mean)
I think you mean "not final." Oh well, shottie and sniper still have my vote. This map looks really great...
This looks really good! This should keep me busy until I get to play on the real map... lol.
Link PLease? I would like to see this map, and the DLC version looks amazing!