New type of equipment = jetpack. Lolz
I've actually known how to do this for a while.. Many of the Machinima videos say how to do it in their credits.
Are you guys kidding me... obviously you haven't even given the default maps a chance for infection. Opens your minds a little... you don't need...
Yes, you basically did sum up MLG.. I see that you learnt a lot from that article on Your post followed it pretty closely in fact....
Not including the Legendary Map Pack, I have many favorites. My top three favorites are The Pit, Guardian, and Construct.
I'll believe this when I see a video of gameplay on this snowy Valhalla.
Where's the traffic cone??? Lol jk. BR is my definite weapon of choice, because I get absolute pwnage out of it. I also love snipers as they...
Lol on my 'killed by' list, there is a traffic cone at the bottom. (1 kill) When I saw it I was like wtf when did this happen?? As for your...
I'm pretty sure there was some mention of the Hunter's orange body area being put to future use... I'm not sure if it had anything to do with a...
The map looks a bit too open and a bit too messy. Maybe include a few more pictures to your thread or maybe a video so that we can see more of...
This looks like this would be fun for multi flag.. and SWAt for sure. Is there nothing more to the map than just the maze plus two bases? I think...
Cool.. another house map. I think it would be way better if you put an elevator in it. =P That would be sweet.
Looks like a great, well made map, too bad you ran out of money. I would like to see another slayer map from you. Remember to use money glitch...
The pics are a bit small.. but I can still sort-of see that it is too open. I think if you added a bit more complexity to the map and improve...
I love close-quarters combat feel. Can't really tell what the map looks like from the pics, but I think some of the walls could be cleaned up a...
Sweet, this is the first automatic elevator I have seen so far. I do recall seeing this idea in a thread on Fh somewhere... Anyways, nice work...
I used to play computer games all the time. Lolz I remember runescape back in the day. Got really boring after a while though.
Meh.. the video was ok. When I saw it I got all excited expecting lots of gameplay. I'm still gonna get the maps on the 15th, the video only...
Great online gameplay that is matched by almost no game, and a great main character in Master Chief. I just can't stop loving this game. As for...
You're flaming on your very first posts, if you don't have anything to contribute then don't comment on the thread. As for the whole Marathon...