As sweet as it would be, I think it's doubtful that Bungie would give us all of that space. Hopefully they will give us a decent amount of space...
Lol if I saw a jackal in matchmaking I would kill the jackal and nothing else, they are the ugliest things ever.
Wait.. what? Do they actually not stop bullets? I haven't noticed because I never use them and they aren't in MM, but I was almost certain that...
Umm, read the other posts at least 3 people have stated the true cause of this, myself included. We do know what this is, and this topic doesn't...
We are in the fourties... I got to 42 in TS in 100 games without a specific team, some of it with my friends, who are all under 20 skill lvl....
Oh sweet, this was featured. I think I saw this somewhere before, not sure if I gave it a download though. Nice work on this, its huge!
Wow that giant thing I just read is a completely over-exaggerated whine list. Some of them are the dumbest things I've ever heard. The whine about...
Of course I'm getting the maps, I'm too impatient to wait until they're free.
Yea, that'd be great, as long as you communicate well, which I'm sure won't be a problem.
You obviously don't understand this concept. He knew he could not load this map because of his scratched disk. It just happened that the gametype...
Sweet map, reminds me of gradient. Will download and see how it plays.
I'm not sure how much can be produced on Blackout, but I do want to make a sweet sniping map on Avalanche.
I haven't downloaded any modded maps, as I don't know where to get them. Where are you guys getting these modded maps?
Mancannons and fusion coils, so I can make an epic gauntlet map. On the serious side, walls and bridges. Double boxes aren't really need when...
1. Foundry (duh) 2. Snowbound (for reasons unknown) 3. Standoff (nice and big)
I don't understand why you would really need a neutral flag. It would be nice to have, but neutral bomb played out with 1 second armings such as...
Great idea with the Invers Shield Door thing and I love your creative spawning system. That alone puts this spikeball map ahead of all the...
Actually now that I can see a picture of it that is a great idea. I know this is the wrong thread, but I'm gonna go download that.
Yes, please someone find an easier way to do this... I've had problems myself and I don't fully understand how this works. Amazing find though.
Dude. I loved Halo 2's campaign.