There have been countless times where I wished I could make a decent elevator for a map I'm making... but none ever come to mind. Obviously the...
This is pretty cool pics, but I've known this for a long time. Goood explanation though, never knew about the second method. Do you mind if I use...
Re: Sniper Training (Improve your aim in 10 minutes) Sweeet looking map, this is a great idea... even though my sniping skillz don't need...
Re: "Shihuruville Part 2" Sequal to the first Shihuruville!!! Nice, this looks way better than your first one. More detailed and a lot bigger....
Just looking at the 4th picture, and it looks like you could easily jump from the ramp up and over the wall. Does the gametype cover this problem?
This looks very well done. I'll give a download because I can tell from the pics it was made well and planned out. Seems like a perfect map for...
I'm sorry, but I didn't see any sort of "constructive" criticism in your first post. I understand what you were trying to say, but saying that...
Yea, I agree, when I played this map the turrets annoyed me so much I had to stop the game. It was still fun while it lasted though.
Looks like a fun map for conquest. Great idea. I would like to see a good slayer map from you guys.
Re: Tunnel Rats 2 This method is called interlocking objects. I believe there is a nice tutorial on how to interlock objects on the website.