i appreciate what you are trying to do with the whole chaotic environment but i think if it were a little more organized it would be better 4/5
i think you should get rid of the turret and make maybe 2 mini bases on the sides. Turrets=infinite ammo and camping. If you think your map really...
you need to embed pictures and add a link so people can dl your map use photobucket to embed them
i really like the turret tower on down under, looks intense
very cool map. I got a very hurricane-y feeling from this to the point where it felt like someone was yelling the description to me over the...
i think that you did a really good job with the layout of the bases sick job
very aesthetically pleasing and the carpet bomb this is pretty cool i really like the base even though it is fairly simple but the rest of the map...
do you think you could upload more pics because i feel like i have no idea what this map looks/plays like
wow cool idea i think the game play will be sick i am gonna dl
i really like the interlocking and i just dl'd happy to see a ctf map because i feel like everything i play is either infection of FFA
wow you are verrry talented when it comes to making weapon art
great job with the dragon i just downloaded and will play soon 4.5/5
i really like how you used vehicles for the face really unique and innovative great job!
i feel like you just took all the power weapons and put them in a room and then you teleport to an "arena" if you can call it that. Cool idea but,...
yeah i agree with who ever said you should put roofs on the cubicles... unless the point is that zombies can jump in and out or decide to teleport...
solid map for no interlocking, i will dl and rate if i have room
i like the barrier made out of... well, barriers cool idea, thats the most unique and complex structure i have seen anyone make with those i think...
i am not really familiar with team brs or slayer brs is this like a swat map? all the weapons involved (all 3 lol) seem to be mlg-ish but i am...
i like the pallets in the open boxes i feel like they are under-utilized as a destructable walls/floors. i think it looks like it would be legit...
i like how you staggered the spawn times of the immovable objects, but i think with some interlocking or possibly geomerging this map could reach...