^no sig? rate mine...
wait, if you fall in the thing in the middle...wouldn't it push you out? Maybe the return thing should be on side with man cannon shooting towards...
I like how its really closed in...
you have to blow it up, then wait about an hour for respawn... :(
an overlay?
8/10. Add a border like the ones I have on mine. ;D Just make a 3 pixel white stroke, set it on overlay, then make layer above and put 1 pixel...
Re: Backlot :: FUN CTF looks kinda rushed.
Re: Gridiron: A Standoff map. we use to do the mortar thing in halo 1. Its a great Idea.
Lol. There should be a shirt with the cube on it and it should say "Never Forget"
I bet you theres a pic hidden in the soccer ball....
Re: Great Wall Foundry CTF forging: As seen in Bungie.net Humpday Challenge! No! >:( I CAN HAS RECON!
Looks like a pretty decent map :) have any side views to see length of stairway?
hey. Hope you like FH. Click on forging 101 in the navbar to the left to see some tips.
Welcomes to the FH
Actually MOAR is ok. but MOAR screenshots please.
Re: The Fun Pit + Picture Slideshow and Video Walkthrough Lance...know whats really odd? This is the only "new" site that I've been to that has...
can you take an overhead view?
Oh, the antlions? Yea. Also, it reminds me exactly of the background in the arms race trailer...