RapidShare: Easy Filehosting k thats the link to the file and thanks a lot.
hey could you by any chance make me one of those sketchup orbit gifs? It'd be really cool if you could since my new map is coming out very very soon.
err i downloaded it and it looks really good. problem is that I can get into the nitty gritty because of all the ceiling it has D:
if you save, quit, then rejoin, the budget is still at 12$ or so. I just did the save and quit budget glitching on some leftover items. and of...
AZN, you have reassured me. Now that I read this article or skimmed through it more or less, I am slowly becoming one of the 'AZN Army' so to...
well im done with my portion. If you'd still like to stick around for spawns and weapon revisions then you are totally welcome to but im done...
i also dont have it hooked up yet. I need to buy the spare chords.
Honestly, Im not the biggest fan of you AZN. Im not trying to start anything but Im just saying because you are a really cool guy and all but its...
Last Review for a long time. I used the exact rules for the Review Hub and this will also be my example to sign up later.
You didnt even test the gameplay... and you're giving it a 10/10 with basically no substance. I'll write a review for this sooner or later......
...back to your red stature once again i see...
I think people will give you the same amount of credit as foundry. It basically is foundry just enlarged a lot and not a square but a rectangle.
alright well im done with the map and i have a very basic weapon layout and spawn layout done. I finished the whole geometry and all that is left...
lol... RTS's dont fail. and I'm almost positive that there have only been 2 or 3 RTS's for the 360. Dont be naive. with an a...
it broke...again. no sigle boxes, wall corners or reciever teles or any weapons. thats why.
we will do weapon and spawns on sunday sometime not sure when though. as for tele writing, it depends on the budget. Im doing it on budget now.
I no right! I like the part with the guy with the flyers. Hes like, ill tell you if you give me a $100. Where would I get $100? and then barneys...
This is ****ing hilarious. Listen to NOBUNAGA as he speaks of his holyness lol His voice cracks me up... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bc9jUrp4Yfc
OMG! you watch how i met your mother!? Thats my favorite show! did you watch the episode last night with the burger?
The map looks well constructed. It has seemingly seamless geomerging which I am quite fond of but it looks like Sylar has some major layout...