You know, people would like you more if you weren't such a cocky asshole. I vote Pirates, I like how the grid gets bent and disorientated and the...
Knight, I can't even see the font now. Make it brighter.
Cant find first, but here is earliest [IMG] [IMG] to this- [IMG] [IMG]
10-20 minutes probably. Well, I at first used pen tool to do pointless lines, like your older ones, then i went into brushes and vectors, then...
Hows this? I tried some new effects and such. [IMG]
I love it, although a border might work nicely. The little color swirls that who ever did look great and I love the overall feel. Only thing i...
Wow, your really getting good, I love some of the most recent ones. Also, how did you make that slideshow thing? I want one :(
Although I can understand Tex, since Terrax (no offense) does seem to spam a lot. I can completly agree with people growing better, I originally...
Lol, don't worry it's fine. I was play with 3 other people anyway :D
I like the lines, but the bg's colors are too bright, also I'm not a big fan of yellow, blue, pink combo. The entire thing seems somewhat...
Once you have it DL'ed are you extracting the files, then dragging it into the fonts folder? Worked fine for me.
Nope, no font for you. [spoiler]
:P switching the font was kinda important though, because like you said for Linu, it was to grungy. This font has a more techno/club them and I...
Yay! I'm a mood! [IMG] How's this?
What you guys think of this? I think it turned out great. [IMG]
Awesome, smudging is always loved by me. :D The c4d blends very well now, good job.
Because we are bored, post a tut of it so people can actually get it right.
The way you took him out makes his neck look bigger than his head. The colors are fairly boring and there isn't much too the sig.
I really don't like the katana, it seems random and out of place and is sharper than the Joker making it look weird.
Add a border maybe?