Hi guys. I suck with PS and GIMP and pretty much every other Computer program on Earth(I'm quite good with Alien Programs) Ya so I was just...
Ok I have made my decision! My Sig sucks and I need a pro to make one for me cause I'm stupid! But thanks guys and Saxophone Avatar dude...
This is a great idea! You could use Avalanche but it wouldn't really provide that COD2 atmosphere but neither would Foundry. But Avalanche has...
Looks good. I also can't believe this is your first post. And Welcome!
Wow. You're really digging for that info! Ya I have never been a huge fan of Conquest. It's fun but all the maps feel the same to me. EDIT: OMG...
Don't beat yourself up. All new members do this. I did to but I learned from my mistakes
lol. I like the one under the glass floor
Slightly different. Thats smart. People wnat to see an old fav revamped not just copy and pasted! Nice work
Good Job! Now I need a sig.
Looks way better than V1!
I really like this and I think that this would be a great map!
Ya hard to see but still cool! Is it Ironman?
Looks pretty cool. Simple but cool!
Check how to post a map HERE
Looks good! Great use of interlocking for rounding those walls too!
Loved Scatterbrain. Loved The Longest Yard. Love this!
I saw your three maps in your sig. I loved Scatterbrian, and this looks just as good!
Looks good! I really like the huge bank turn
The map looks kind of messy in some places but it looks interesting