looks pretty interesting. I really liked how you made those trenches
I really had fun testing this but you could've made it compatible for more/all gametypes
Looks cool. Ver creative idea for the dumpster rooms too
Needs more pics dude.
Cool. I'll check it out.
Its more crome but whatever...
lolololololol flaming head.
Looks great! I rally like that fence box place too.
Looks cool. I like how you used some of those dark brown pieces(Barriers?).
Looks good! I like te turret placement because it can easily be crept up on
When I saw the name I was hoping or more of a close quarters map. This doesn't really look like it wold bclaustrophobic
Looks pretty cool
lol. good job
Ya there are so many of those stargate/portal maps going arund and they all look the same
I have had this map for months and still haven't beaten it! I have watched the vid too!
The maps look fun. I think that the lobby and Soliatry will be the favs
Ya Ak1 is amazing
This is really fun. I have found somevery interesting tactics that almost always get th win.
Looks cool. I like the crashed truck