Ahh.. ok. Got it. Here ya go. http://albyhouse.deviantart.com/art/A-non-noob-friendly-sprite-tut-96252969 And embeded for you lazy bastards....
First one hands down.
The shoe, and I toned down on the green at the top.
Sorry to tell ya, you aren't much better. Anyway, I like the style you have. It's original. You maybe went a little over the top with the sparkle...
Took whispers and yours and did them.
[IMG] The tag's name is power of flow. Erm.. I really like it. I might make a tut if anyone wants it. CnC With feet blended - [IMG] With...
Go to SB.
Which sin did you do? The text is unreable, I can't read it. And I don't think the dude fromHouse is anything.
That's why I didn't do colors :\
New versions up. Just for you!
CnC Second sprite sig. First one failed. [IMG] I really like what I did with this one. Upon request - [IMG] [IMG]
Same for Wisconsin. As for the Max Driving age, I agree that the test thing would do good. My grandma, 64, drives perfect. A little slow, but...
Ik... I'm suggesting Nemi.
Planet Renders v3 Forums have a whole stock section.
I was gonna try an Idea where we put all OUR stocks into one bucket.. but I gave up. So heres one Ive got. Forgehubstocks - Photobucket - Video...
Lol it was a joke. And roche told me to!
I love that stock....but the sig is okay. I don't like the left part. Or the right. I don't really like it.
I haz 3 pages of win. How manz you haz?
except mine is more win.