Maybe I messed up. Your good though.
NSL rating.
It runes the sig. But other than that, looks awesome.
Wow dude. amazing. You have a very nice style. Colors could use some work, but for the most part, I love it. Low Inter possibly? high novice?
Erase the white stuff on his face.
Lol. you're wrong but if you say so. And the sun is a joke, noob.
[IMG] Edit: Ugh... erm... well... Didn't see your post... Tell me if I should remove this.
Updated with final.
Dude, a website is hard to do. If you give me sizes of the layout pieces, I'll make it. PM em to me.
Explain how the text is outta place. And yeah, Ik the lightsrouce fails.
FIANL! [IMG] Yah, it has a sprite in it :\. Erm... Tell me which version you like. And if everything looks real. CnC
Just cause I like to ruin people... The text Burn, has no shadow or anything supporting it. I don't think there's such thing as floating text....
At mah mom's house, so no.
Do some gradient maps, get rid of that cloud thing, and blend the rend a bit. And get rid of the background and put something there instead.
Upload it to Photobucket then copy the image location then paste into the URL thingy box in your USERCP.
It's too messy and that cloudy thing behind him just looks weird and the render/stock doesn't blend or have any colors that go with the sig and...
Scratch that. [IMG]