Personally don't like it, especially the popup slider dashboard, but I'm sure I'll get used to it.
I ****ing love this game. Sat down to play for a little bit and just realized I've been playing for four hours straight O.O Also, this is...
Been watching Lost on Netflix and DVD over the past 6 months or so. Just watched the finale last night. Yes, I cried ;_;
One thing they should improve upon would be the sense of a living world. Characters just stay in one spot and dispense quests one after the other....
Played a couple hours today and I'm really enjoying it. Now that I've played a bit, I'm not sure why I couldn't get into Fallout 3. Once I beat...
Don't worry, Theorem. Shatakai is still here for you.
Yes, pretty well made and touching, though not in a sad way. I'd never heard the monologue before, either.
YouTube - We Humans Are Capable of Greatness Halo Reach Tribute
It makes me mad that there is practically no hype for Fable 3. I loved Fable 2, and even though I was skeptical at first about where they were...
I bought it and I've gotten 20 hours or so out of it, and I'm planning on going back periodically and getting all the achievements since all of...
It's just a game with some imperfections. I've played it a few times through now and I'm completely over its flaws and it's a lot of fun. It also...
Rangers won.
My router broke and Verizon said the new one wouldn't get here til Monday but it got here today hooray!
But there's a twist!
I tried Fallout 3 a few times, but could never really get into it and that really upset me. However, a lot of RPGs need time to hit their stride....
I was listening to this when you posted it O.O
What do you mean? We have all these great remakes. We have enough maps and custom games to last us the three years that it took to make all of...
Not a good idea in the long run. Or in the short run, actually.