flr .
Can you? last time I made a poll, however long ago that was, I don't believe you could. Either way, me reading the private messages really isn't...
GOTY voting thread is up.
Forge Hub 2010 Game of the Year As the end of the year draws near, the question is inevitably asked. What was the best game of 2010. Well,...
lol, not quite sure I could count the nomination of a game you've yet to play.
Last chance to nominate games for the GOTY thread in gaming discussion. I'll be posting the voting thread at about 5:00 CST tomorrow.
A game that I just recently downloaded off of Games on Demand is Red Faction: Guerrilla. I really regretted selling it and just had to play it...
Hey guys, nominations will end this Thursday, December 2nd. If you wish to change your nominations you need to do so soon.
Speaking of which, Mirror's Edge just got here from Gamefly. Not sure when I'll play since I'm addicted to New Vegas, but I think I'll probably...
What the **** is with people's Tali fetish. You've never seen her face and she's got ****ing chicken legs.
I don't really think you can debate this. PC gaming can do almost everything a console can with dozens of more features and customizability....
You know how every day you have a list of "kingly missions" you have to do? Well, you never progress through the year if you don't do those...
You can nominate whatever game you please.
That's a negatory, good buddy.
My new favorite thing to do is run around with a class using the crossbow and tomahawks. I never get mad about dying and I've made some hilarious...
As Reach has come out and a lot of Halo fans are moving on to newer things, this montage just seems to bring back all those memories of forge and...
Emotions are for the weak.