i wud b Mastar Cheef lololololloolololol but srsly, niko bellic all day.
clicked away from the video after 20 seconds. it reminds me of the pizza roll girls.
Can't say, seeing as I haven't been on xbl to play the damn game in...weeks...
(of course, i had more reasons then that at the time to leave)
...i totally didn't realize it... I remember watching him be grey, but I didn't realize what that actually meant... I would not mind being in...
You've got a point... ...I'll keep it in mind...But I really don't think people like Matty or Insane will care to have me...
or a replacement, for that matter.
I see... Do they really need more mods at this time?
So you're feeling like you've worn the same clothes for over a week?
then use* (too lazy to edit!)
Wait, the use me as an outlet!
Wait, you suggesting I take a literal position as mod? Not just the whole "tex foar maodarationator!" obvious joke thing, but like a legit...
Wait, did I just reference TDK, and you not notice?
But, you can make the choice that others can't.
meh, cannot haz.
the fire is not appropriate with my expression, lmfao.
I don't have a legit banner lying around my house...I left it at the boycotting convention. =P But seriously, go to the post ur pic thread, i...
make a sexy background.
Secks \\ Tecks