Thats an Elite HUD showing there, and its the same HUD as the one seen when the Elite blows up the generator with the Rocket Launcher later. Its...
no, it was an Elite, as denoted by the green HUD and the fact that he's blasting two Spartans along with the generator. I don't even need to go...
Doesn't sound as stupid when you know that Castle Base is a very important military compound and played a large role in The Fall of Reach, and...
It was seen in the MP Trailer, and was speculated to be Invasion. You see an Elite with a Rocket Launcher destroy a generator.
you guys are discussing the completely wrong topic right now, BTW. This has been up for about 3 hours now. Powerhouse Swordbase Overlook...
you forget the grenade launcher's secondary fire has an emp blast.
Well considering the BR is gone now, and the core weapons of the sandbox have been pushed more into their niche roles, its pretty much a foregone...
its not a class system. a class system means you pick something and you are that and only that for the rest of the game. This is a dynamic system...
its all done practically save for the summaries
would you mind helpin me with the game summaries for the last snf, mebe? i can't really remember that much from them tbh
pretty sure its on our side. ugh i dont really wanna go take screenshots :(
LOL you like that? It was the bungievid tags surrounding the link to the film, instead of just the file id#. Any suggestions then for these vids?...
hmmm getting errors. youtube doesnt embed right now either, does it?
do you know how to embed bungie rendered vids?
Magiks. Also, Sketch said so last week over at NeoGAF.
FYI: This is map info week.
They said the Banshee's functionality hasn't changed much. But they didn't reference if that was from the Halo 3 or from ODST iterations. I...
I think my buddy MADMAN summed up the counter to this pretty adequately. He was illustrating how Reach and COD are different, but the arguments...
random person: "What happens if I use Armour Lock in mid-air???" Urk: "people die" That. Just. Happened.
Some interesting things of note from the April Fools Day ViDoc: Check out the sword 'ammo' meter. as squidhands pointed out, could potentially...