Thats exactly What I had believed it was . But when I played the demo for it I put it on my Christmas List. It isnt one of my top priority games...
Also can you make the pictures into motivational posters or no?
Wow this is kind of sad. Only 4 submissions. E93 Im going to get some more people to start posting here. I will do my best without advertising....
Shouldn't this go into the graphics and arts section buddy?
That spiral is the main attraction to this map and I can see why. It looks very beautiful and im sure its smooth. I dont usually download racing...
I just beat the game on normal..... Now its time for hardcore! And for those who didnt beat the game yet...... The ending is suprising. And also...
I love the guys who made this. SmoothFewFilms are the guys. They created The Leet World and GunStop which are my favorites. I cannot wait for...
I played the demo and I must say it is incredibly impressive. It has a lot of replay value to it and the co-op is just fantastic. The shotgun is...
One it is quite impressive and your welcome to join anytime even if it means booting some people.
Im already preording the limited edition now! I must have the game because of that. And the awesome flame warthog YAY!
Hmph. I need to get 7 exp first in the 7 on 7 playlist. When im done then i shall.
Gunslinger go on aim. I need to talk to you. Im bored.
This is actually quite interesting. Its like a mini tunnel rats that takes place in a little hill. The hill looks small from the outside but is...
You still got a ton of games to throw into that. If you didnt write this then they need to add more games.
FarCry 2. It always freezes because it overheats with that game so im gonna install it to stop that
Well Gunslingor. You seem to have a lover of your children. Buy the new anti rape shovel. it will bury them for good.
Well I can play FC2 without it freezing now. Problem is....... I cant be connected to xbox live...
Your welcome for the idea. This gonna be a great one. As long as it isnt only camofo posting in it. Lol.
Holy **** epic. OMG That gun help so much.
I was watching this over at a few weeks ago. This is a really well made and funny music video. I must say that the coordinations...