Haven't seen you on xbox in almost forever. Last Time I talked to you was when you took Drawings microphone and talked bad about my mama.
So I herd your giving out the golden weapon codes to people. Lol. Im given some to roche and to Gunslinger. For free.
Fallout 3 CoD:WaW Left 4 Dead Halo Wars LE Pre-ordered 250 MB Memory Card 2000 Microsoft Points card Wired 360 Controller Wired Microphone (The...
Well if this is real than I must say that map look cool. I know that it will be a cool map to play on.
Both of the Carmine brothers. Benjamin died though.... a terrible painful death. While Anthony was just sniped in the head so he didnt feel any...
Well I think that I enjoyed the Temple of Atlas' aesthetics a lot more but this map is much better for gameplay. The coliseum looks very well...
Lawl indeed.
Favoritism. If I cant get into Insanes i'll shoot for yours.
How are you hosting a TGIF?
Ok well I decided that I want to forge again. Problem is I would love to have a forging partner. Now If you would like to be my Forging Partner...
That is the worst idea bungie has ever had. I cant believe that they would do something so unoriginal and stupid. It would be better if the...
Sounds good.
Wow. I cant wait till somebody actually posts every video game that they've beaten. And I mean for every gaming system.
I remember that i had a hard time with some maps that i made. A lot of people said moar interlockingz. But on the bright side those people all...
I sure hope that they stay true to the gameplay of Halo 4 and maybe add a bit more to it. I love the way halo 3 gameplay is and they better keep...
Oh I had no idea that you had the 100cc and 150cc. I forgot about that. I will give it a try then.
ok thanks E93.
I thought that the track was incredibly beautiful and a good remake. My huge problem though is that the fact that your in ghosts made it bad. I...
The thread says it all. Just discuss on games that you have beaten and maybe state the difficulties, your favorite ending, or just anything about...
This thread was really misleading. i was hoping to be able to play on the remake of that palace which was so awesome. I remember having to get...