Orangeremi is not so orange anymore. How sad......... change it to Greyremi.
We'll definitely have the map done around February im thinking. Cause at this rate, Christmas means new games and new stuff so.....
Shanon. I love you. Period.
At first I had thought it was just Duck Hunt but then the scoring system made me believe otherwise. I truly think that is quite original and this...
Usually what I do with my friends is we first buy the upstairs and then we go around to the other stairs and buy that. Its much more efficient...
Depends.... you might get a good sum of money on ebay. Start the bid at $100 and you might be able to get $150. I know that I sold my gamecube,...
Congrats Mr. New Zealand for getting loyal.
Hello CommanderMilander. Hows my favorite homestar runner doing. How come your never on Live by the way. Get on nao.
Personally I think its a pretty good game but too short to buy and keep. I think it is a better game to just go and rent. The campaign doesnt...
Sure Black Friday does rock but the fact that you have to get their first where I live doesnt. My sister went to a shopping outlet at 11:30 p.m...
Now This is a masterpiece. Val I really love the POA ship so much that it will be forever kept on my HardDrive. This map however looks exactly...
Hmph. Well congrats Y35. I thought Camofo would've had this one in the bag. Camo used one of my least favorite pictures though. The suicide...
Movie Covers? Like a movie poster sort of thing possibly. Or maybe a spoof off of something.
Wow. That looks like a kind of map that I would want to download. The water looks neat as well as the geomerging. And I enjoyed the fact that...
Wow you actually did it tonight. Thanks by the way for helping me get through it. This would definitely help those in need of it. Assuming they...
I completely agree with Silence. Those are the best zombie games of all time! (And House of the Dead : )
Wow its already over. That sucks. Sorry guess nobody likes the screenshot competition anymore. You should try to get it on the frontpage...
Im sorry but you said a lot of things have map editors. you sir are completely wrong. Left 4 Dead doesnt need a map editor. sure it only has...
Well I would but you told me it was impossible with the way im doing it so....
Hahaha. So thats where you've been.