This map was fun too play on during testing. Roche only killed you Matty. Lol. My only complaints were that Matty killed me if I took his sniper.
I got no clue if I found them all. I only played the game for a total of 2 days. I beat it though within those days.
Lol That shotgun was fun too kill people with. I was the only elite in the party.
I wonder if it will have any coop?
Im happy that I was able to beat the game within my renting time. I beat it within 1 day (24 hours total) the boss battle at the end was...
Yea sorry you guys cant do that though. the beta is great. Im gonna play it all weekend. YAY!
BioShock 2: Sea of Dreams Revealed PS3 version of BioShock confirms sequel. by Jimmy Thang October 16, 2008 - Developer 2K...
Well I eat life away until I reach the bottom of the bowl.
Oh my god I loved that map so much. Me and my friend would play it for hours just killin those damn commies.
Im on ur porch stealinz ur seats.