3OH!3 is the ****, bud. The Ballerado. I be reppin' it. XD
A'ight foo'. Ttylizzle?
Exactly. UWF is an integral part of the Trio and without them we would lose the great community style and install base they brought to the table....
Lief. Yes or no to Coordinator? If yes, why? If no, who else from UWF would be eligible?
It checks the Staff group please?
You won a ZeppOS award in 2006? Awwww... congrats! Even though I have no idea what that is.
Stop any and all of your map planning right now. Read these first, so that you don't pull a Debo and make a shitty-ass map like The Shaft for your...
Don't worry, Sarge! One end of the pedestal is larger than the other, meaning that it would be incredibly hard to fall off if I placed the...
Did I hear fans clamoring for Nooks&Crannies3?!?!?!?! A random map like that would be quite awesome and fun, but I don't think it would have the...
I tried making such a map, but eventually I gave up on it. It's really difficult to block off default Blackout, enough so that the added benefit...
In the Underground... methinks I'll be doing a coforge to create an environment similar to the hidden city in Wet Dry World...
ZOMG ther shud b no MoDs becuz the staff heer r all liek totly corupt. all we need r jounralsts k? On a serious note, modding should not be...
I must agree. Val for Premium in '09. I can't wait to see the things you'll do with the Pillar of Autumn...
Please, for the sanity of the general Halo 3 populace, do NOT put the puzzle idea back in BuddhaCrane's head. Let him do a 3-way Distortion and...
Ahhh... the Universal Law of Dibs. Quite the rule if I may say so myself. Regardless, I'm planning on making a SkyBubble map the likes of which...
I already have a floating map on the boards that I'm going to make solo, but I wouldn't mind tag-teaming a ground floor map with la Muskrata...