AIM is for poons. :D
The cube wins. Simply EPIC!!! Great job!!
'Grats on getting the Mythic Map Pack early over on RUL!
1. Click the link in my sig and join. 2. ??????????? 3. PROFIT
Senior bastard. Haha. I've still another year and a-quarter of torment. You're free rather soon. XP
Banana phone.
I actually didn't have a logo in mind at all. Hit me with yo' best shot, foo'.
Wow. Those are really sweet! Me likey a lot! I'm sure that if you made a few v2-style with staff titles (General Manager, Coordinator, Referee)...
As for Publicist, message GladiateSmiths and ask him if we need a "Homegrown Publicist." There are three types of Publicists: "Celebrity...
Our aim is to be solely a Bnet group at the moment, as that's where all the traffic is. You'd be amazed how lazy most Halo 3 players are; very few...
Thanks for the join, m'lad. It means oh so much to me. <3 Spread the word.
We should definitely do the Forge Crew thing. If it was you, me, and possibly Tucker and Ryan as well we'd dominate like none other. Plus, thanks... Vote, you nitpicky sonuvabitch whom I so dearly love and...
So, Fillahpee...
Thanks a ton for the review! It's greatly appreciated, and I'm very happy to know that a few of them were good. XD This is all pretty new to me,...
In my opinion, picture 3 is the best. The ODST is positioned perfectly in the bottom-left corner (as per the Rule of Thirds), and the background...
Vote for your favorite or favorites in the poll! Note that I didn't use very many effects; but that shouldn't matter as long as the screens...
Looks great! I'm adding a bit to it now.
Colors like white or yellow (or even orange to an extent) do tend to annoy people, as there are many different skins the website can be viewed in....
Whazzup CrazyKev?! Welcome to ForgeHub, and enjoy your stay! If you have any questions about the site, feel free to ask me.