. wat
Of course, no video would be viral without its spinoffs and spoofs, the best of which I found to be: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DxFB5RDmBIA
One of the funniest videos I've seen in a while; I'm not surprised that this went viral as quickly as it did. Chances are that some of you have...
**** yes! You're pretty much the third person that's ever made that connection in my entire year of being here. 50 epic win points to you, good sir!
Yeah, try doing it with no floor, nublet. :P <3
The genitalia map?
Welcome to Forge Hub, and enjoy your stay! Be sure to read the rules (located in the navbar at the top), for many a newbie has fallen prey to...
Does anyone remember the Halo 2 Multiplayer Map Pack disk that you could buy, pop in your Xbox, and download the maps with? I don't think Bungie...
War is a human institution in which human beings settle their differences - religious, political, or otherwise - by killing and/or inflicting harm...
I know... there's not enough of it done to have a meaningful and truly breathtaking pic yet though, and a bunch of people on Bnet were pressuring...
Nope. You're not supposed to get anything. It was the most interesting picture of my around 40ish pieces of geometry that showed a relatively...
[IMG] Ohai.
Sounds like a plan then. Good luck, my child. [IMG]
Debo37 High Haven Interrobang Breezeway The Ire of Fire Nooks&Crannies Nooks&Crannies2
I am in possession of the Mythic Map Pack as well. GT: Debo37
Doesn't work. Grammar fail.
Most definitely. But I need to get enough of it done first. At the moment you would only be able to recognize two of the tow- ummm, structures and...
37... funny. Gotta love that number. It's pretty awesome if I may say so myself. Regardless, I'm working on a floating map right now for those...
Looks like you're in luck. If you're as rich as Sarge maintains that you are, you should easily be able to afford the Mythic Map Pack now. Xbox...
Well, good luck with your Forge endeavors over this weekend! :D I look forward to seeing some of the stuff you create in these early days, and I...