Procrastination win!
Lose The Game Click if you dare.
XForgery is of a small enough size (within our recruitable parameters, so to speak), so I say yay to them! :D
Ohai Frag. Just stopping in to [IMG] you.
I wasn't working on any, sadly. :( Out of curiosity who are you looking at recruiting?
For ten more minutes at max.
At this point he's left twice, so I'd just let him go. He wasn't doing anything anyway, so it shouldn't be a big deal. He'll come back eventually....
Yessir I do. On an unrelated note, : Halo 3 All Tags
I don't think I'm going to Warped this year. The lineup's kinda meh IMO. I have a few friends going to ACL in Austin (Pearl Jam's headlining and...
Yay! Another fan! Finally. XD I'm so glad that they're big now, you wouldn't believe!
Rofl @ your post on the pic thread. <3
I try! ;D
Good. Very swell. The pieces begin to fall into place...
I win.
Nooks & Crannies 3 just might be on Sandbox. ;) As for when I'll be making it, I haven't the faintest idea. I'll make the third and final Nooks &...
I must say that the map looks quite enjoyable; the layout reminds me of laser tag/paintball courses. Did you draw inspiration from those?...
I use terms like OU and suicide lead and no one else seems to understand...
I legitimately think that you and I are the only two familiar with true competitive battling on this site.